Report of York Health and Care Collaborative; Update July 2024


1.           Introduction


This report provides an update on the work of the York Health and Care Collaborative (YHCC). The responsibility for leading health promotion and prevention activities across the city is with City of York Council. YHCC provides a forum to share population health intelligence and receive feedback from a wide range of provider and commissioning partners.


2.           Progress on Priorities since the last report to HWBB;


Since the last update York Health and Care Collaborative have focussed on several areas including Frailty, Women's Health, Children and Young People and Obesity and the Impact. Development of Integrated Neighbourhood Teams (INT's).


3.           Outcomes of the meetings included:


·        Frailty – encouraging the use of Rockwood scoring by health professionals for assessing Frailty. An overview of the community frailty services in the city and what they are able to offer including the York Integrated Care Team, Frailty assessment clinic, Community Response Team and York Frailty Crisis Hub. An action from this meeting was to share the contact details of the York Integrated Community Team and Community Response Team to colleagues as an option for out of hospital care if it is deemed appropriate.

·        Women's Health – Discussions on the National Women's Health Strategy including the 7 key priority areas of the strategy Menstrual Health and Gynaecological issues; Fertility, Pregnancy, Pregnancy Loss and PN support; Menopause; Mental Health and Wellbeing; Cancer; The health impact of Violence against women and girls and Healthy aging and Long Term conditions. IDAS shared information on the rise in Domestic Abuse and what services their service offers and information on the Integrated Care Boards Women's Health profile was shared including how to access and what is on the profile.




·        Children and Young People – Data from Primary Care records for diagnosis of Anxiety and Depression in Children and Young People showed a 3% increase per age band in diagnosis of either Anxiety, Depression or Both and the most common areas of diagnosis being in the Heworth, Fulford and Osbaldwick/Murton areas of the city. Following discussions on Mental Health support in Schools an action was for all organisations to raise the importance of involvement of education in diagnosing children with Mental Health conditions. Discussions ensued on the Raise York Family Hubs, what the family hub offer is, how to access Family Hubs, where they are located and future plans.

·        Obesity and the Impact – Discussions proceeded on the different tiers of support for weight management in York, What services are on offer for each tier, who runs and how to access the services, Data on Obesity Figures in the York Place footprint from primary care records. It was agreed for whether Obesity should be a priority for the city and the Health Inequality for access to Tier 3 weight management services should be escalated to York Health and Care Partnership.



4.           Future work for YHCC


The direction for York Health and Care collaborative going forward will focus on the development and creation of Integrated Neighbourhood Teams across the York Place Footprint while also maintaining a focus on prevention areas.


Topics that have been scheduled for future meetings to include, Winter Planning, Drug andAlcohol Challenges, Smoking & Respiratory. York Health and Care Collaborative will go through a transition to report into York Health and Care Partnership.